Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Idiocy Of Today

a society where the occupants consumed posion in order to procure a certian feeling. Now imagine that they did this time and time again fully knowing that they were: a- posioning themselves and, b- that in this process they were fully harming themselves and that for the few hours of impairment they would in turn suffer harm and sickness. Sounds fun, logical and sane, right? No?

Welcome to the idiocy of today.

The Idiocy of Today:
An amazing fun loving society where small amounts of pleasure that have severely harmful consequences are undertaken fully knowing of the consequential coming sickness. Where sticks of death are burned and inhaled in order to rid stress, look "cool" and other countless reasons. All this done with the knowledge that inhaling can and most likely will harm and eventually kill the inhalee. These sticks burned and inhaled over and over despite numerous campaigns which ban inhaling inside, within a certian amount of feet, plaster the effects of inhaling (blackened, dying lungs) all over cartons of deathsticks and raise awareness of the countless reasons not to inhale.

Sounds good doesn't it? its The Idiocy Of Today, the ingenuity of the human being.

The Idiocy Of Today:
Where organic substances are smoked despite the knowledge that they kill brain cells, reduce memories and cause longterm schizophrenia.
Welcome to The Idiocy Of Today where somehow harming ones self for small amounts of short term enjoyment and pleasure is THE thing to do.


- Joel

Musical Quote of the Day:

you're gonna carry that weight,
Carry that weight a long time.
I never give you my pillow,
I only send you my invitations,
And in the middle of the celebrations I break down.
The Beatles, Carry That Wieght

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